miércoles, 21 de enero de 2009


time. in my battle with time over the last 6 months (especially in the official last month remaining!) i realized that we are all constantly trying to do something with time...save it, waste it, pass it, lose it, forget about it...for me i have just wanted to kill it!!!
but i have learned that this thing called time will never let you have the control. it just goes, second by second, until it reaches a minute, an hour, a day, a lifetime. and in all that, time will never stop or slow down. and it definitively won't ever speed up. (though i have tried countless time to make it do so...) it will just be, and it will just go. it has no real track. no real trail. there is no real evidence of time itself.
the only evidence is our own. what we take and make of time is entirely individual, completely personal. your time, my time, our time. and we get to do exactly what we want to with our time. i get to do exactly what i want to with my time...

i have relived.
i have searched.
i have fought.
i have learned.
i have answered.
i have built myself back up.
and i have won.

and now it is my time. no more looking back. now i get my time exactly the way i want it.

i will embrace.
i will discover.
i will fight.
i will learn.
i will be strong.
i will...

thank you to all of you for being there for me all the time.


Cat Stevens..."On the road to find out"

Well i left my happy home to see what i could find out
I left my folk and friends with the aim to clear my mind out
Well i hit the rowdy road and many kinds i met there
Many stories told me of the way to get there

So on and on i go, the seconds tick the time out
There's so much left to know, and i'm on the road to find out

Well in the end i'll know, but on the way i wonder
Through descending snow, and through the frost and thunder

Well, i listen to the wind come howl, telling me i have to hurry
I listen to the robin's song saying not to worry

So on and on i go, the seconds tick the time out
There's so much left to know, and i'm on the road to findout

Then i found myself alone, hopin' someone would miss me
Thinking about my home, and the last woman to kiss me, kiss me

But sometimes you have to moan when nothing seems to suit yer
But nevertheless you know you're locked towards the future

So on and on you go, the seconds tick the time out
There's so much left to know, and i'm on the road to findout

Then i found my head one day when i wasn't even trying
And here i have to say, 'cause there is no use in lying, lying

Yes the answer lies within, so why not take a look now?
Kick out the devil's sin, pick up, pick up a good book now

sábado, 3 de enero de 2009