sábado, 28 de febrero de 2009

don't quit-o quito!.

the top ten things NOT to do in Quito...

if ever in quito, ecuador, you may want to remember these important things not to do or you time may go sour rather quickly...


10. breathe
9. forget your sweatshirt (bring 2 or 3...or 12)
8. forget your water bottle...ever...anywhere...anytime...must have water
7. expect to relax in any mode of transportation (if its not the speed you are scared of, its the mountain and the speed you are scared of)
6. run up a flight of stairs to qucikly (9,500 ft does a number on your lungs)
5. go to the bathroom without your own personal stash of toilet paper
4. go to the main bus station terminal terrestre (unless you like the feeling of being a cow in a cattle shoot)
3. go anywhere without Becki Pinto (everything is better when Becki is there)
2. forget your camera
1. expect anything less than an unforgettable time (especially if with Becki Pinto)

and if possible do not go to the following places...

Tony Romas
Papa Johns
Pizza Hut
BD's Mongolian BBQ

it's hard, i know (i did it...) but seriously, its ecuador!

eat Cuy instead... you will love it!

1 comentario:

Dirty Enchilada dijo...

Who would go to KFC or McDonalds when you are in a trip in another country full of new, different and interesting food?

I don't even go to those places when im in Mexico...