domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010



We are about to embark on another adventure in the "Que Pasta?" world of the Dirty Enchilada and lil 'ol Bethany Ann. It's another year passed and another 3,000+ miles further for this daring duo.
There is a crucial step to this adventure that is approaching quickly. So far it has started smoothly. I, Bethany, have arrived safely and comfortably in Busan (Pusan), South Korea. The jet lag was a force I never thought so fierce to reckon with...but am feeling the victory in this very moment while I celebrate my first evening awake past 8pm. It is a staggering 9:32 currently as I embark on our blogging journey once again.

In case any of you who care to read this blog have forgotten, a very similar situation occured only a short 18 months ago. I was in a new country, eagerly awaiting the arrival of a certain gentleman and...well see below for the specific details. I am again in this very situation, and again hoping dearly that the governmental powers that bind will this time be swooned by our Dirty Enchilada so we can give this blog a happy ending unlike with those darned peruvians...

Adventure set to begin...9.24.2010

1 comentario:

Pavi dijo...

Of. course this aventura will be better that aventura Peru. I hope You and Ruben are successfull and you can enjoy a lot.

Besos mil. Pavi