sábado, 14 de marzo de 2009

Nuevas Fotos/New Photos

Por fin ha llegado el primer lote de fotos de nuestro viaje a la comodidad de sus pantallas, espero que disfruten viéndolas tanto como nosotros disfrutamos tomándolas.

Saludos a todos!


Finally here are some photos of the start of our trip. Ill put some more of my other trip when I have more time.

hope you like them!


Nuevas sobre "Un día en el infierno"

Ok, ya se que los pocos que pueden leer este blog estarán al tanto de que estoy escribiendo la travesía que pase el primer día que pise tierras sudamericanas el cual lleva el nombre de "Un día en el infierno" y que tal vez estén esperando con ansias la siguiente entrada del blog; pero he llegado a una conclusión y esa es que no voy a escribir mas sobre "Un día en el infierno".

La razón es simple, la historia es muy larga y siento que pierdo el tiempo escribiendo sobre algo que ya paso y ahora no tiene mucha importancia, ese tiempo puedo utilizarlo para escribir cosas diferentes y actuales que están pasando en el viaje ahora...

Así que ya no espere mas posts sobre "Un día en el infierno" y si quieren saber toda la historia solo haganmelo saber y con gusto se las contare en persona cuando los vea.

Muchos saludos a todos y estamos en contacto, gracias por todos sus comentarios!

Un día en el infierno (Parte Dos)

Me doy cuenta que he esperado por muchas cosas en esta vida, pero esta, sinceramente no me la esperaba. La Visa, idiota LA VISA!!... pero si estaba seguro de que no se ocupaba Visa para Perú siendo ciudadano mexicano. ¿Como diablos se me paso eso? Que ingenuo fui; pude planear todo un viaje a sudamerica, menos lo mas importante de el.

¡Idiota!, ¡pendejo!, ¡pedazo de buey!, todos estos y mas reclamos pasaban por mi cabeza mientras yo estaba a 9,000 pies de altura y a una velocidad promedio de 600 km/h, factores que en ese momento no me importaban en lo absoluto, lo único que pasaba por mi cabeza era: !la Visa!.

¿Que demonios iba a hacer?, !¿QUE DEMONIOS IBA A HACER?!, como lo dije antes esto no me lo esperaba; a esa altura y a esa distancia o mucho o poco que pudiera hacer no podría marcar alguna diferencia, así que decidí tratar de relajarme y dormir un poco en ese viaje nocturno, porque sabia que la mañana siguiente seria una de las peores de mi vida. Soñé con que hablaba con la gente de migración de la aduana de Perú y hacían todo lo posible por mi y me conseguían una especie de permiso temporal para entrar al país, hacer todo lo que tenia que hacer y después salir del Perú.

Soñé con que me las veía duras pero no tanto... Sueños, fueron solo sueños que después de haber terminado me trajeron de regreso a la cruda realidad, catalizados por la voz del piloto indicando que habíamos aterrizado en el aeropuerto de Lima con cerca de 15 minutos de adelanto.

Mi corazón latía rápidamente, sin saberlo ya comenzaba a tocar las flamas del infierno en el que había comenzado a caer la noche anterior...

going to the toilet of ecuador...BAÑOS!

the #1 best thing about baños-you are never short of anything to do, and it is almost all fun...the #1 worst thing about baños-when the fun is over, you always have to go back...UPHILL.

i wish this was a joke, but seriously, minus the horseback ride...once you thought it was over, the hard stuff had just begun. the best example is of the bike riding day. on a mission to find waterfalls- and for $5 dollars a day for a bike why not? and helmets? well, yes kim...they are clean, don´t worry...the lady said one one ever actually uses the helmets...

day 1-but why not! there was nothing i wanted more than a helmet once it became clear where we were actually riding...lets see...for the grand rapidians reading this, i would be like college ave, only with 3 times as many busses and three feet less of space and no sidewalk...for suburbia chicago folks...well, lets just keep you with the grand rapidians cause i don´t know-but kim does...and for you detroiters, its like one side of woodward, with only two lanes, not sidewalk, but with the same amount of traffic, and way more hills and bridges...in a sum...it was scary!! and the worst part was that there was nowhere to go if you fell, because what would bet he sidewalk was actually this concrete ravine...it would have been alot easier if we had the same blinders they put on horses, but we had no such luck...

we start to ride, downhill of course, my breath was taken away for many different reasons...the size of the mountains we were actually riding along! amazing, and i still can not get over it! the fact that if i move 3 inches to the left of where i am right now, at any point i will be taken out by a bus full of like 50 people...i will be a gone and the only way they will be able to identify my body is because kim is riding behind me and she knows who i am...unless it takes her out too...breath, gone! and for some reason i am having to peddle to keep up with kathy in front of me...but i am going downhill...weird...

we only found one waterfall on our bicycle adventure of many adventures...and it was fun...especially when after miles of riding i handed over my bike over to kim in a exhusted pant of defeat...and she took my bike that you had to pedal downhill with...and i got her bike...and for the record-she could handle...not because she is ¨she-woman of thick strong leg¨ (but she is much stronger than me) but because she is ¨she-woman of think strong leg and thick stong brain with biker husband¨ and realized that my wheel was so crooked it was like i was riding with my brakes on...yeah $5 a day! once i got her bike i just kept playing the rocky theme in my head over and over...i felt like i could do the ride all over again! except for the busses almost taking me out every 30 seconds...that i could do without...

there was then volcano tour, which really consisted of a bunch of volcano ash at night...this is where the almost everything is fun...this was not... and i am really glad the bus ride was at night, because if i would have had to see where how close we were to the edge of the mountain going up, i would probably would have cried like a baby without its mother...

day 2-waterfalls! waterfalls! waterfalls! jungle! jungle! jungle! loved it! loved it! loved it! this was so much fun! three hours from one waterfall to the next with a trip going down (of course you start out down) into the jungle to find the best of them all! i really cant even descibe it...hopefully you will check out the pictures on flicker from here...but sorry, you still will not get an idea of how great it is unless you go yourself...

and of course what a better was of finishing off the waterfall tour but by jumping off a bridge and swinging around for a while! (and living to tell about it is always a plus...)

day 3- the horse back ride...oh the ¨you think your butt is ready for this, but your butt will never be ready for this¨ horseback ride...
chocolate was his name, and letting me ride him was what i thought was him game...oh was i wrong...actually chocolate had a mind of his own, and where his mind told him where he wanted to be was in the front of the pack...at all times...no matter what...and walking? what was that? these horses really only were comfortable with trotting...especially on broken, hard pavement...thats where they loved to trot...have you ever tried trot on ground like that? take a moment to close your eyes and imagine riding a carosel horse...only instead of the ride going around and round it goes up and down...and instead of 1 minute, it lasts 4 hours...you think i am kidding...try to imagine the pain your butt would endure...now take that same thought and pretend your horse is made out of concrete...does is hurt in your imagination? now you know how i felt trotting with this horse on concrete...

was it worth it? absolutely! every single moment was worth the pain that was endured to ride in mountains...actually see where the volcano went though...on man, that is an unforgettable moment in my mind...i think i am a pretty cool person, stand in the path of where a volcano went through and you realize how small and insignificant you really are...and then to see the same volcano smoking on the way down...its alive!!

and..of course...more waterfalls!

and at the end of everything...and after going uphill...you get to say i did all this in the bathroom!

yay baños ecuador!

sábado, 7 de marzo de 2009

two backpackers passing in the airport...


i look for the immigration office in the airport...there is no one to be found...think...and then it hits me that the immigration is behind the wall..the area i so swiftly passed through on my EARLY arrival to lima...the chit chat...the broken spanish...the first bag off the baggage claim...the place where we were supposed to meet...during my perfect day...

thats where ruben was...the desk 13 where my name was called...thats where ruben was...he asked my airline to call...

and where was he looking for me? he was looking for me afterwards in the commons area...the area i said i would be waiting for him in the email to his sister...the place i was until i left to check my email...tell my story to his airline...buy soles... and call his dad...twice...that where ruben was, he was looking for me...

and the flight? the flight i decided not to take? i would have found ruben...in baggage claim...at the same time he would have arrived...in quito...and i had to wait another 3 days instead before i could get the same deal again from the airline...

so i am still in lima...and i still have not found ruben...and that $100? still had to pay...so the real cost was our time...all the time i tried saving by buying my flight to lima...

(but now we are together and it is amazing! and we will start a new adventure here in quito again...) I FOUND HIM!


one can breathe and think all they want, but really, what do i do? i want to go back to quito...i go back to the man that didn´t let me in the first time...i tell him i want to buy a ticket and he lets me in...that easy? between my clearer spanish, tearful bloodshot eyes, mixed with my overall pathetic look, i think i cracked that heart of stone a little. he let me through.
i walk to my airline...TACA...TACA...desk...13...it starts at desk 13...coincidence? i go to the lady and tell her that i need to switch my flight to go backto quito today. a one hundred dollar fee and the airport tax and i am out of here! 1:00 pm i can enjoy quito once again (as long and i don´t breathe and i see becky pinto) i could make it, and actually it is the perfect time...but what if rubens can make it into peru? what if he comes here tomorrow? that would be alot of wasted money and time for this joyride to and from quito. and then we would have to take the bus back-the whole purpose of me taking the flight.

once again, i tear up...what am i to do! i said thanks, and gambled for the stay in lima. if it is that easy i will get a flight later if i need one. so i leave desk 13 and it sit...i dont even know what to feel, dont know what to think...so instead i started thinking about what emotion i wanted to eat...ice cream, french fries, starbucks...then earl growled ever so gently...thats the last thing i need right now...lets do another bottle of water...

i went back to the internet to call ruben´s dad back, email my mom, and change my facebook status (i know what is important) ruben´s dad...¨did you talk to ruben? did he find you?¨
¨no, where is he? is he here, in the airport, like around in the airport?¨ this can´t be happening!
¨yeah, did you see him?¨
¨no! but im staying in lima tonight...will he be here for sure in a few days?¨
¨i don´t know bethany he has to go to quito first, but maybe¨this is not helping me, i could still make the flight to quito!
internet...email mom...new message from ruben? what?! i open the mail and it say...
where are you bethany? i have been looking for you! i have to go to quito so i am stuck in the airport and immigration at peru, but ive been looking for you!
WHAT!!! i hurry and pay the lady (who is giving me a discount at this point for being a frequent user) and run back downstairs franticly looking for him. (lets note here that my backpack has never left me...quite the sight!) i can´t see him...and i can´t see any sign of him...nothing no where! RUBEN WHERE ARE YOU!

then peru back handed me

I feel like be stiller i `meet the parents`...my windshied has just broke...my trip is crashing in front of me. where in the world (literally) is ruben? he is probably still in mexico-never got on the plane, and will take the next plane out later today.

thats it! back to the internet and back to the email...back to his itinerary...back to the airline...back to the other flights to lima...back to how long i have to wait...
lan peru-hub in lima-tons of flights right? no...10 30 at night, to arrive at 6 tommorrow morning. stike...maybe a connecting flight? i go to the office in the airport, and thank you! the man speaks english! i explain the situation- it was a long explanation, im not gonna lie, i mean look at these blogs, you think he wanted to hear all this? i finish (finally) and he just looks at me...10 30 tonight, to arrive at 6 tomorrow morning...i have gone from ben stiller to natalie portman-i better get comfortable, cause i am about to live...WAITING! NOT LEAVING! STAYING RIGHT HERE! NOT MOVING! WAITING! for ruben.

finally the tears come. what is going on? what am i going to do? and where are the lockers so i can put this backpack down already!

just hold on...just breathe...and think...what can bethany do?
ruben´s family-i will call ruben´s family! maybe if i am lucky i can understand 3 or 4 words of out of the conversation and pick up whats going on...maybe...and right now it is my only shot. i go to the phone...i think. this toyish looking blue and yellow box? this is the phone right? i walk up...i feel pretty confidant i can follow the pictures...but i have no soles-peru´s currency.

objective number 1-soles...i found a money exchange...easy. good job bethany!
objecitve number 2-phone...phone number...i dont have rubens parents number on me...ahhh! scream, tear, breathe, think, internet!
back upstairs...the lady at the counter just smiles at me now dince it was my third visit in an hour and points to a computer...email...rubens number..back downstairs...make this blue toy thing with pictures work!

i put in some soles...who knows how much it is worth. some lady at the other end starts talking like she is auctioning off the phone rates or something...slow down! she is not listening, and she doesnt really seem to care about my situation-like being a recording was any kind of excuse. i just start dialing the number and cross my fingers...

´bueno? ´ its rubens dad! its rubens dad! i tear...breathe...
´hola! soy bethany´...of course i am bethany, like i need to tell them who this gringa on the other like with a cracking voice is...´have you talked to ruben?´ (remember this is all in spanish)
¨yeah, he has a problem.¨ really? i didn´t notice... ¨bethany, he is going to quito...he flys out at 12:50¨
¨ok, where is he? where is he flying from?¨
¨he´s in lima¨
¨what? hes in lima? but i am in lima! he does not need to go to quito! i am not going to quito! I AM IN LIMA!¨ if he is in lima, why have i not seen him yet?
¨yeah, bethany he is in lima, he is going to quito, he will be back in maybe 2 or three days¨ two or thee days! i dont have 2 or 3 days, i am here now!
¨then he will be in lima?¨
click! there goes the phone, the soles had had enough...so now i have no ruben, i have to stay one to three days in lima...and then he will be here...maybe? more tears, and then the qoute from my favorite movie monsters inc...come on, keep it together man!

just hold on...breathe...think...what to do?

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2009

Thank You/Gracias

Hi everyone this is Ruben writing... thank you very much for checking this blog and I hope that everyone of you is doing fine right now

As most of the people that read this blog knows, we have had some problems with the start of our trip that we planned for so long. Having big troubles just in the begging of what seems that is gonna be an amazing trip always brings you down and makes you wonder why is that happening to you...

I got into a big trouble with the Perubian immigration and i was not allowed to get into the country, witch brought all of our plans down... it was devastating and we didn't even have each other to give us a little bit of support. Failure after failure happened during this last 3 days and personally i was not seeing an answer to this whole paradigm anytime soon.

But as I have being waiting here in Quito and Bethany stock in Lima, we´ve had tons and tons of sings of support and appreciation of our close friends and family, witch have made this journey easier, guide us to see a light at the end of the tunnel and always have helped us to chin up and look to this "problem" in a different way...

I want to thank specially to all the Dewit family for all of their prayers, all of their signs of caring and for unconditionally sharing all of your support to me and Bethany... I have no words to describe how appreciated I am to all of you... THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

Finally it seams that the storm is gone and the calm is almost here...

Once again, thank very very much for all of your support and love!



Hola familia y amigo, espero que todos esten muy bien y muchas gracias por estar al tanto de este blog

Como la mayoría de los que podrían leer este blog sabe, el principio de este viaje que planeamos con Bethany hace mucho tiempo no a sido realmente lo que esperábamos. Cuando planeas un viaje por tanto tiempo y tienes tanta esperanza y sueños en el, nunca esperas que cosas como las que nos han sucedido pasen y si te llegan a pasar son realmente devastadoras, te bajan el animo y te hacen preguntarte porque demonios eso te esta pasando a ti en ese preciso momento.

Mientras estuve esperando aquí en Quito y Bethany estaba atrapada en Lima, recibimos muchísimas pruebas de aprecio y preocupación de amigo y familiares las cuales han echo esta travesía un poco menos difícil y nos han guiado y ayudado a encontrarle una respuesta a este dilema.

Quisiera dar muchas gracias a mi familia por todo su apoyo y preocupación por nosotros, gracias por estar al tanto de lo que nos sucedía y por ayudarnos en todo lo que pudieron, gracias por preocuparse por Bethany y por estar al tanto de ella y darle todas esas muestras de apoyo y cariño, para mi eso vale mucho mas que todos los viajes Incas del mundo y no tengo palabras para agradecerles... MUCHAS, MUCHAS GRACIAS!

Al parecer la tormenta esta pasando y la calma por fin llega

Los amo con todo mi corazón siempre


the day peru slapped me in the face

its tuesday, march 4, 3 35 in the morning...i am supposed to wake up at 5, but i can not even keep still for what is about to happen today...little did i know...

i go through the day in my head-i am finally reaching lima! i have been waiting for 7 months for this day, working, planning, dreaming, working, working working...and this is just the first day of it all...this is finally the beginning! not even earl (my south american parasite or bacteria thing taking over my stomach) can stop me now!

i pull up to the airport, get though security, and wait with my sister...her on the american side, me on the south american side...i wait to board my plane. finally, they call my flight. and i walk through the doors and breathe in the (polluted) air of excitement to calm my nerves. and i start to cry a little...why? not really sure exaclty...im leaving my sister, i watch her walk to the other plane, and that is part of it, what a vacation! we had so much fun (which i will still write about) and i really want her to come...but then i smile, and cry, because i still get to go to peru!

things are going all to well...the smelling man that boarded behind me is thankfully not sitting next to me. the crying baby that probably has a colic the size of the mountain we are flying over (or maybe it has an earl too) is all the way in the back, away from me also, and i think is now sleeping. in fact, no one is sitting next to me, i am in a row all alone. how did i get so lucky?

the plane starts, and for a two hour flight, there is still food! amazing...and more than that, they have vegeterian options...what? and then, they start up a crime show...in english! i sit smugly in my chair-this trip is going to be the best trip ever on a plane, short, sweet, and still with all the amenities...

the plane lands-20 minutes early even! exceptional! and right on track for the day i am now expecting to have...my bag is the first one off baggage claim even! should i wait for ruben here? i told him i would, but now that im here, it doesnt seem like such a good spot...i need to finish getting through the rest of customs, and it doesn´t look like he waited three hours here! i snap snug to it (my sleeping bag) and i am right on my way to immigration, and then to customs.
immigration is a breeze, i step right up, chit chat with the man at the counter about the great adventure i am going to have, and he actually understands through my horribly broken spanish! and the icing on the cake? they don´t even check my bag through customs...they must have know ruben was out there...right through these doors i will see ruben finally and we will start the trip of your lives, and maybe even eat ice cream on the way out!

i walk through the doors, and! wait...no ruben waiting...he has been here since 6am...he should be waiting...no worries, this day has gone with out a hitch so far...he will be here, ill just wait in this area here, and he will see me im sure...

20 minutes...40 minutes...60 minutes...no ruben...ok time to be proactive...wait, did they just say bethany ann on the intercom? no, not possible, your spanish is just that bad, you really think that someone in the only international airport in lima would care enough about you and your perfect day to CALL your name over the airport intercom to just magically walk up and see ruben? your day in not going that well, your spanish is just that bad...

wait, there it is again! bethany ann...13...what is 13? i have no idea what 13 is so it must not be me...but there it is again! bethany ann, desk 13...who elses name in this airport is going to be bethany ann...i feel like i have some time to kill, ill try and find some desk that has a 13 on it...i go to the counter area, where you buy tickets, there is a counter 13 i am sure, but the man at the entrance says i can´t get in...i am not flying out today...i try to explain that my name was called over the intercom and that i need to find a desk 13-ever tried to do that when you are stressed and don´t know how to say intercom? not so sucessful...so i go upstairs...

internet...great! ill see if he wrote anything...maybe there is an answer there! there is...from rubens sister-DONT GO ANYWHERE! STAY WHERE YOU ARE! RUBEN IS HAVING PROBLEMS AT IMMIGRATION! BUT WAIT FOR HIM! WAIT FOR HIM! HE TOLD ME TO WRITE THIS! i hope you understand it! diana

how could you not? ok...this is ok...but again? immigration again? in all the three years i have know ruben...not one time has he had a successful flight to see me...never...why should this time be even different? nevermind that it was a direct flight that was just perfect DURING MY PERFECT DAY! i write back that i will be waiting for him right in the airport for when he gets here! so i go back downstairs and wait...

but then it hits me...how long do i have to wait? did he even make it to peru?

the end of my perfect day, and the beginning of my terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day...

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2009

Un día en el infierno (Parte Uno)

La noche anterior dormí como tronco. Había hecho la portada del periódico por dos días seguidos y estaba ya muy canzado y listo para comenzar el viaje. Ese día en la mañana me levante mas o menos temprano para preparar la maleta y ajustar los últimos detalles.

Salí a las 4 de la tarde de Morelia en compañía de Rebelión en la Granja de George Orwell, libro que Lalo (o El cocho como todos le conocemos en le periódico) me había prestado. Quería leerlo todo en el transcurso México-Observatorio pero un tal Nacho Libre se interpuso en el camino. Al ser película de director de Napoleón Dynamite intente darle una oportunidad antes de seguir leyendo las aventuras de el Cerdo Mayor y el borrachín Jones pero no se si el cansancio o la costumbre de dormirme en los camiones me ganó y a las 20 minutos de comenzada la película ya estaba rondando por el segundo sueño.

Desperté un rato después solo para ver el final de la película y así regresar de nuevo a mi lectura. Leí la mayor parte del camino hasta llegar a la terminal de Observatorio. Al ser ya tarde, cerca de las 8 de la noche, y hora pico en la ciudad de México, decidí no arriesgarme y deleitarme con lo delirante que puede ser un paseo en taxi en esta metrópoli, en lugar de recibir el golpe con olor a ser humano que se despide cuando se abren las puertas del metro.

Como ya todos lo sabemos, la hora pico en México (y me refiero ya al país en general, no solo la capital) puede ser el mayor enemigo de Cronos y convertir un recorrido de 15 minutos, en una hora y media o dos. Por suerte tenia el tiempo indicado y llegue al Aeropuerto Benito Juárez justo a tiempo para hacer mi check in en las largas filas de la aerolíneas LAN.

Otros 60 minutos pasaron antes de que me pudiera dirigir hacia la puerta de abordaje numero 16 de le Terminal 2, veinte minutos antes de la partida del avión. Tenia mis dos tickets de vuelo, uno México-Lima, el otro Lima-Quito, de los dos, yo solo pensaba utilizar el primero. El boleto es revisado por la señorita de embarque y al parecer todo esta en orden.

Ya caminando por el puente que conecta la estructura del aeropuerto con el avión mismo, recuerdo que mi mochila fue registrada para viajar hasta Quito y yo tenia que quedarme en Lima, Perú. Regreso con la señorita que segundo antes había checado mi boleto de abordaje y le pregunto sobre mi dilema.

- Pero señor ¿ Usted tiene Visa para el Perú?

El infierno comienza...

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2009

Nuevas desde Sudamerica

Hola a todos los que lleguen a leer este blog...

Como ya sabrán en estos momentos me encuentro en Sudamerica, pero no del modo que lo tenia planeado, estoy en Ecuador y no en Perú y eso por muchos problemas que se me han suscitado en los últimos días.

Estoy bien y sin problemas, simplemente no estoy en el lugar que yo quería, pero así es la vida y que se le va a hacer!

Aun no me encuentro con mi novia Bethany, la otra que escribe este blog y la de los lentes graciosos en la imagen del cabezal jejeje... pero parece que pronto podre.

Ya se que esto podría levantar muchas preguntas y dudas así que comenzare a escribir una serie de post donde intentare describir con detalle lo que paso en el día fatídico del 3 de marzo de este año...
algo a lo que yo llame "un día en el infierno"...

Así que pronto comienza esta serie de ficción, acción, amor y muuuuucho terror basada en una historia de la vida real jajaja... esperela pronto en su blog de confianza

Saludos a todos!