viernes, 6 de marzo de 2009

the day peru slapped me in the face

its tuesday, march 4, 3 35 in the morning...i am supposed to wake up at 5, but i can not even keep still for what is about to happen today...little did i know...

i go through the day in my head-i am finally reaching lima! i have been waiting for 7 months for this day, working, planning, dreaming, working, working working...and this is just the first day of it all...this is finally the beginning! not even earl (my south american parasite or bacteria thing taking over my stomach) can stop me now!

i pull up to the airport, get though security, and wait with my sister...her on the american side, me on the south american side...i wait to board my plane. finally, they call my flight. and i walk through the doors and breathe in the (polluted) air of excitement to calm my nerves. and i start to cry a little...why? not really sure leaving my sister, i watch her walk to the other plane, and that is part of it, what a vacation! we had so much fun (which i will still write about) and i really want her to come...but then i smile, and cry, because i still get to go to peru!

things are going all to well...the smelling man that boarded behind me is thankfully not sitting next to me. the crying baby that probably has a colic the size of the mountain we are flying over (or maybe it has an earl too) is all the way in the back, away from me also, and i think is now sleeping. in fact, no one is sitting next to me, i am in a row all alone. how did i get so lucky?

the plane starts, and for a two hour flight, there is still food! amazing...and more than that, they have vegeterian options...what? and then, they start up a crime english! i sit smugly in my chair-this trip is going to be the best trip ever on a plane, short, sweet, and still with all the amenities...

the plane lands-20 minutes early even! exceptional! and right on track for the day i am now expecting to bag is the first one off baggage claim even! should i wait for ruben here? i told him i would, but now that im here, it doesnt seem like such a good spot...i need to finish getting through the rest of customs, and it doesn´t look like he waited three hours here! i snap snug to it (my sleeping bag) and i am right on my way to immigration, and then to customs.
immigration is a breeze, i step right up, chit chat with the man at the counter about the great adventure i am going to have, and he actually understands through my horribly broken spanish! and the icing on the cake? they don´t even check my bag through customs...they must have know ruben was out there...right through these doors i will see ruben finally and we will start the trip of your lives, and maybe even eat ice cream on the way out!

i walk through the doors, and! ruben waiting...he has been here since 6am...he should be worries, this day has gone with out a hitch so far...he will be here, ill just wait in this area here, and he will see me im sure...

20 minutes...40 minutes...60 ruben...ok time to be proactive...wait, did they just say bethany ann on the intercom? no, not possible, your spanish is just that bad, you really think that someone in the only international airport in lima would care enough about you and your perfect day to CALL your name over the airport intercom to just magically walk up and see ruben? your day in not going that well, your spanish is just that bad...

wait, there it is again! bethany ann...13...what is 13? i have no idea what 13 is so it must not be me...but there it is again! bethany ann, desk 13...who elses name in this airport is going to be bethany ann...i feel like i have some time to kill, ill try and find some desk that has a 13 on it...i go to the counter area, where you buy tickets, there is a counter 13 i am sure, but the man at the entrance says i can´t get in...i am not flying out today...i try to explain that my name was called over the intercom and that i need to find a desk 13-ever tried to do that when you are stressed and don´t know how to say intercom? not so i go upstairs...

internet...great! ill see if he wrote anything...maybe there is an answer there! there is...from rubens sister-DONT GO ANYWHERE! STAY WHERE YOU ARE! RUBEN IS HAVING PROBLEMS AT IMMIGRATION! BUT WAIT FOR HIM! WAIT FOR HIM! HE TOLD ME TO WRITE THIS! i hope you understand it! diana

how could you not? ok...this is ok...but again? immigration again? in all the three years i have know ruben...not one time has he had a successful flight to see me...never...why should this time be even different? nevermind that it was a direct flight that was just perfect DURING MY PERFECT DAY! i write back that i will be waiting for him right in the airport for when he gets here! so i go back downstairs and wait...

but then it hits long do i have to wait? did he even make it to peru?

the end of my perfect day, and the beginning of my terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day...

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